Thursday, April 12, 2012

Underwater Kicking Video

I briefly spoke to the swimmers last week about a video that I would like for the swimmers to watch. Please have your swimmer watch the video below. It should last about 16 mins. This video (Click the title above) is important as we will be talking about underwater fly kicking as well as specifically dolphin kicking for Fly this next week. There are some key points that I want them to see and here from Coach Bob Gillett.  In my coaching over the years I have often used Coch Gillett's philosophies and have attended some of his clinics.  I know this will be good for the swimmers. So, please allow them to watch.

1) DPK/DPC/DPS = Distance Per Kick-Cycle-Stroke
2) The Fish Kick
3) Importance of up sweep and down sweep of kick
4) Setting Memory patterns with their kick
5) Tempo of the kick
6) Odd Kick counts under water off their walls
7) Importance of kicking on side while pushing off wall  (i.e. leaving walls from good ready positions on every rep.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Inspiring Video

If I were to ever require something of  our swimmers and parents, I would require you to watch this video (Click the title above).  Of course it is not required, but I would really like all of our swimmers to listen to the message in this video.  Parents, PLEASE make sure that your swimmer(s) watch this.

Some of you may have already seen this but I would strongly encourage you to watch again.  It is well worth it!

Swimmers, you all,know how I feel about the words "I Can't". Well hear is a situation where one person refuses to use those words.  Enjoy it.  I did!  In the future, I will always think of this.